
The Francis Collection

Collection Three . Early Vision Artworks

Francis Symbol

Hand-drawn Symbol of Inter-dimensional and/or Multiversal Visions

Though many attempts were made to teach Francis the cyclops to read and write, both as a child and as an adult, he simply could not see our system of symbols in an organized way. The letter "A," for example would always appear a different abstract squiggle each time he looked at it. Scientists found it strange, then, that he seemed to always draw the same exact symbol next to anything he wrote or created. The symbol, seen here, is interpreted as a signature of sorts, like the tag of a graffiti artist. Francis maintained that it did not signify his name in any way, but simply represented his existence. He also said that it the icon never looked the same to him, even though all of his hand-drawn symbols look the same to us.

When Francis began creating what we call "artworks" and what he called "visions," he always drew this symbol somewhere on or near the piece. To this day, many people place this tag in public places to signify the existence of other-dimensional life forces in the multiverse, often next to abstract works of art and unique conceptions of the mind. Or, sometimes it just shows up in a public toilet. Visions from another dimension exists everywhere through this icon.